It all started Saturday night at 11:30pm when i picked up Simon we had to take a slight detour via portsmouth so he could pick up some things. The journey finally started about midnight we took the A3 as we didnt see a need to rush and went past the devils punch bowl (100 ft drop straight down either side of the road), We got to toddington services on the M1 where i stopped for a walk round, whilst inside i put a pound in the toy grabbing machines and to my amazement i won first time then alan put a pound in and won his bully.

We then left after a quick go in the massage chairs, got to ellington at 4am and after a quick drive round we decided to go to sleep by the church, woke up at 5:30 and stood with alan, woke simon up at 6 and went to a little village called spaldwick (about 2 minutes down the A14).

Where we pulled into what we thought was a layby but actually turned out to be someone's driveway, got back to ellington about 7:30 where Simon was waiting so we introduced ourselves and had a little chat then laura turned up followed by a few others, which is when the lovely lady in the house gave us a time update, then Micky turned up and told us that everyone else was running late and they would be there about 8, everyone else turned up and we had a little meet and greet to get aquainted and then left for the show.
Got to the show and joined the queue of cars waiting to get in, got into the show and scotty parked everyone up very nicely and then started to assemble the gazebo, Alan's bully became the topic of conversation with bex showing her age by being the only person that knew what B.F.H means, I then took a few pictures of the stand.
Down the right side.

Top Left Corner.

Rob, Simon (me), and Morris's Cars.

The Bin!!!!.

Rob's Car.

Bex's Lovely Car, and car seat.

View over the show.

And now for the show.

I'm sorry if i have gone on a bit but i had such a good time and i cant wait for trax which i hope will be just as good and atleast I will know everyone there!!! Thanks for the great day Simon