Hi everyone, been a member on here for a while but not really posted much so thought it was about time i did.
I got my ins renewal through for my
this week from Direct Line which was £775. I'm 24 with 5yrs no claims and 3 points on my licence so thought it wasn't too bad but could be cheaper. Had a go on that Tesco Compare website and managed to get the price down to £392 with Privilage. Nearly half price.
So i phoned up Direct line told them i wanted to cancel from the end of my policy and they did the normal, you are a good customer why are you leaving rubbish. They asked what i'd been quoted by other companies, so i told the price i got from Privilige. The guy on the phone didn't even think about it and just said they would match it! Put me on hold for 2mins and came back with the exact same price but with guarenteed car hire on top.
Thought it was an Absolute joke and proves how much insurance companies are robbing us blind. To be fair i agreed there and then but just wanted to show everyone that it is true, if you shop around and haggle then you can get your insurance for a lot lot less.