Not long got back from going down myself.
It was quite fun for a half hour or so, not masses of stuff happening, but managed to get a few pics of some of the cars on display. A few STs were there in some of the less common colours, black with white stripes, silver with blue stripes and, of course, the gorgeous Focus ST (really want one...). Few pics below:
As Chris said above, they also had Paul Swift doing some stunt driving in a couple of Fiesta STs. They had Zetec S alloys on for some reason, perhaps they didn't want to ruin a load of P-Zeros...! Most of you have probably seen a Russ or Paul Swift show before so you know what to expect, but it was the usual array of handbrake turns, J-turns, that sort of thing. Got a few pics below.
He also had a modified ST which allowed him to go up on two wheels, with 4 other people in the car! Got a brief video of it on my digicam, am trying to find a decent site to upload it to. Its 11mb though, which is too big for most free hosting sites...