Well wifey and me got up at 4.30am & the first thing i done was look out the window to be greeted by moody grey sky's . Oh well i'm not going to let it ruin my day i thought!
After a coffee and a fag we our gear in the car and took it out the garage, And as soon as i did that the sky's opened GREAT!!!! On the plus side the beading effect looked wicked
So set off about 5.15 to meet the others at Hatfield. Got there about 6.30 well maybe 6.40, After getting a little 'lost' Should of listened to Claire in the first place lol.
Met up with Micky, Adam his gf and i think his sister . Had a quick intro and a fag and off we went to our second meeting point.
Sort that window
Will's very very nice sounding
Got to the Ellington meeting point all was quite until we there!!!!> Met the flower lady from the church lol. Ian loved her yellow marigolds It's that smile you had on your face coming from the church yard. Had a good laugh waiting for the others
oO yeah it was bloody freezing............more pics
Anyway I'll cut the chit chat (tired) down and let the pictures speak for themselfs enjoy....................... In no particular order.
Your soooooo funny Will
Big-up Pat
Don't ask???? Claire's always taking pictures of trucks
Wow... thank you very much for the write up Morris
You took loads of my car, thank you very much for posting them. It;s nice to see everyone's car put up individually as i never got chance to go around and take one of each car.
I love all your photos... my fav is the Tesco lorry...
the one of us all queued up is a great pic i agree Scott
great pics Morris i still haven't taken my camera out my car
Red Escort 1.6LX Then - Red Escort 1.4 Then - Silver Fiesta ST 170BHP Then - White Fiesta ST MR200+ Now - Mitsubishi Evo IV Forged 2.3 500BHP and Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCI
Scott I thought exactly the same the pic in Eliington is amazing very good eye for a pic there Morris very impressed! Some really good pics matey....next amazing pics to be taken at Renault day!