Hi everyone.

This was my day at FITP MAY 2009

At around 5.20am i had a fortunate wake up call from Patrick, (Fabrix),

and i was still

(Thanks mate)

In no time at all i was on my way to meet the first part of the convoy from Coleshill.

After quick introductions and hellos we were on our way to the second meet up point at Macky Dees, here we met up with other members.

After a quick breakfast and a call to Micky saying that we were 30mins behind schedule we, erm, quickly headed off for Ellington.

Don't know if this guy was going to FITP but his passenger looked wacked.

Arriving at Ellington we were greeted by the Southern members who had been patiently waiting for us

......sorry about that guys.

After the formal introductions etc we were soon ready to head off to FITP in a massive convoy..... To give you an idea this was the view from my car before we set off, infront and behind

Arriving at the venue we had the daunting task of putting up the huge Gazebo.

.....But with all hands on deck it was up in a flash and time for a pic of our pitch along with a group pic.

No sooner had we got the Gazebo up the heavens openned and it poured down. This was soon over though and out came the food and pop. Kurt, on the other hand, had different ideas, out came the cooker.

It was now time to have a walk around to see some of the other clubs that were there.

Loving the paintwork on this KA.

How many does it take to put a side stripe on an

, albeit going a little wrong.


Well, that was my day at FITP 2009.
I absolutely loved the day, and it was great to meet old and new friends.
Thanks to everyone who managed to make it.
Ford Fare at Silverstone next..... For those that have not been to this before....It's BRILLIANT!! so get your names down. Oh, and also for an official 0-60.