Long story beware...
Sold my brand new frozen white ST just over a year ago now and bought a Focus ST in perf blue.
Great car, loved it! That was until 24hrs after I picked it up some idiot drove straight into the back of me and my car went back off to the garage for repair work to be done on the rear bumper and also to have the whole exhaust system replaced as the pipes had crumpled completely.
It was in the garage for nearly 4 weeks while they kept messing me about. In the meantime, my insurance company was kind enough to provide me with a Golf GTI which was a nice replacement actually, although I wouldn't personally spend the money on one. I later found out it did cost the other parties insurance company a total of £7400 in legal expenses, repair work and car hire! (They refused to pay also ha!)
So fast forward a couple of months and my car conks out on a dual carraige way, yep, just dies completely. Originally it was diagnosed as needed a new battery, so it was replaced. Days later, turns out it was actually the alternator which need replacing - Later found out this was basically common practice with all Focus ST, after 3 years the alternator decides to just snuff it. At the time, the alternators were on back order and it seems everyone I spoke to was waiting for one. So I was another 2 weeks without my Focus!
Oh I forgot to mention a broken windscreen the SAME day I picked it up! Stone flew out from a car in front of me as I was heading home and put a huge crack in the front screen.
And just recently I'm getting error messages with the traction control, turns out this seems to be yet another common fault. However, music to my ears it seems to have just been the tracking, so this has been sorted now. Luckily that only cost me £36, and not the faulty ABS module I'd heard of which would have cost me around £1500.
But I'm still not convinced, it just doesn't seem to be putting the powder down like it used to or maybe I'm just too paranoid with it now, waiting for the next thing to go wrong!
So anyway, I saw a Fiesta ST 500 a few weeks ago at a local Ford garage and comtemplated it, but passed the oppurnity. I had a change of thought today and decided to go back to a Fiesta ST and sell my Focus.
Rang the garage but unfortunately they had sold the ST 500. Searched around a little and managed to find another ST 500 luckily enough. The dealers have said they will hold the keys for me so I'm going to have a look tomorrow and provided I get a decent price for my Focus, I'll seal the deal!
I actually can't wait now! I loved the Fiesta ST when I owed it, great fun little car to drive. Plus no more massive insurance premiums, road tax and no more guzzling petrol! (Well, not to the extent of the Focus!)
I'll be sure to post up pics if I go ahead and buy it, which I'm hoping so!
Thanks for listening all, long live the Fiesta ST