Well where do I begin? ....ok the start...Myself Ryder Patrick and Chris Cumbria met at our end and quickly jetted to our first meeting point where we would wait for morris.

Morris then phoned me to tell me that he had hit Birmingham and "a bunch of muppet drivers" and therefore was going to be late. I decided to take our growing convoy down to my Sisters pub in Dunham near the M6 turn off so it was easier for Morris to find us.....and after a wait Morris, Claire and Tylar made it to us.

We then made our way to Bakewell and commenced our attempt to put our tents up in the dark of night and the rain! Myself Ryder and Pat managed to get our tent up in a decent amount of time, meanwhile over at chez Morris, It looked more like a deflated Yorkshire pudding than a tent, so we called all hands on deck and eventually had the tent up. I was going to take more photos at this point, but Morris decided enough was enough and we cracked open the first of many beers that weekend.
MORRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS, was the call in the early morning and we were treated to a quality Bacon butty from the chef extraordinaire. It was all going well until Pat managed to somehow squirt Tomato Ketchup in his eye??????? Myself and Scotty had a team talk and decided on our destination for the day. Dovedale! We made our way through the superb roads and ended up at a petrol station to stock up on Petrol and Red Bull!

After turning some heads at our pit-stop, we made our way to Dovedale and began a quality day of Banter, Rock Climbing, Water Drinking, Wet Feet, Handbag Wearing, Ryder Slipping, Pat Laughing, Morris Dancing, Stu Falling, Scotty Snapping (photos), Becky giggling, Dan Smiling, Tylar STUEEEEEEEEEEEing, Dave Innuendoing , Jack Swimming, Sarah Waving, Chris Singing........FUN!

A few more Dovedale pics by Morris

The next day after a nights hard drinking took us to the Village of Sheldon, we again caused a fracas as we entered a normally quite little Village, Morris was hounded by a local elderly lady who took a fancy to him.

We then went into the lovely pub across the road an played a bit of pool!

We went into Bakewell for some much needed food before returning to the campsite to pack up, take some last photos and make our way towards the motorways, Myself, Pat, Ryder, Morris, Claire, Tylar and Chris headed for the M6 and stopped at a car park where we said our farewells.

Hope you enjoyed reading, there will be another thread with some selected photos on when I have a bit more time, I think theres enough on here for now lol