A few weeks ago we had the site’s Easter Meet down in the West Midlands. Most people couldn’t make it for various reasons unfortunately, so it was a bit of a low key event compared to some of the Easter Meets’s in the past, however I’ve done a short write-up for it just to show a few of the pictures from the weekend.
It was a nice relaxing weekend for me, and I’m concentrating on the day out that myself, Scott and Sarah had on the Sunday visting Coventry Transport Museum. It’s a great little museum and even better there’s no admission fee, so we had a good time – once we managed to actually get there having gone round and round Coventry’s complicated one way system!

The first thing we saw was an exhibition on disabled vehicles…. And saw this:

It might seem odd being there, but believe it or not you can now get a Jag on Mobility.
Then we seen how things have progressed – this was just from the 1980’s and I have to say it’s one of the ugliest cars I’ve ever seen:

I can’t remember this next one personally, but what I can say is that whenever you see old football from the 70’s on TV you ALWAYS see a line of these things parked up on the side of the pitch.

Moving on to the main part of the museum, and seeing some model vehicles, I had to get a picture of this for certain members!

Sarah then asked to have her photo taken besides this nice pink Barbie car.

Someone had knocked this poor blokes head off.

This was Field Marshal Montgomery’s staff car during the Second World War:

On the way round to the next section we saw a display showing old public information films from the 70s and 80s on road safety, some of which were quite funny viewed today. I’ve found a selection similar to the ones we seen on YouTube here:
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=road+safety+public+information+films&aq=fWe then got to see Thrust 2, the car that broke the land speed record in 1983…

… and then Thrust SSC which in turn became the current holder of the land spped record back in 1997

A few cars that were built in Coventry itself:

And then a few others. To start off with a Model T:

Always good to see a DeLorean:

This Metro once belonged to Princess Diana – my first car looked pretty similar to this one, even down to the beige interior!

As I said before, it’s only a short write-up this time, but I hope you’ve enjoyed viewing the photos from our day out.
