right, got 1 here, ready to go on, thought yeah, half an hour, now looked again and the standard pipework under there is like, immense!! pipes all over and also like a pipe going from the intake near the grill to a bottle type thing n/s/f corner too ? resonator box n stuff all over, now i need youre help guys, can only find k&n info and guides, gone back 2 years too in search........
as its still standard and has the ford clip things on everywhere i dont wanna bust any off if there are parts that need to stay on so if you can help then
1, how much of the stuff actually comes off
2,looks like theres some sorta breather connected from end of rocker, where does this go after
3 resonator box n the other lower airbox/bottle thing all come off
4, anyting else you could advise as im quite clueless with new stuff
5, if i get this fitted for manda today i may have a promise on
any help,advice,pics or links to fitting guides would be fantastic
thanks in advance