Notice to All Members,
The Forum Team have now added a new thread on the main forum lists called "How to..."
This thread is a locked thread and only Moderators and Admin can access it... this is deliberate to keep the spam and none useful replied to a minimum.
How do I post there?If you create a post in this thread and start the subject title with "How to" and then a brief description, once you have completed this post and a short time allowed for anybody to pick up on a few points it shall then be moved. If you have already posted the thread and would like a moderator to move it for you then Private Message Me or any of the Team and they shall move it for you!!!
How will this help?I have had a lot of feedback that people are looking for help regarding how to achieve a specific task and cannot find any information on it. This section will be entirely for helping people; a more detailed instruction manual if you like...
What can I include?You can make a How To thread on anything you want. It can be an easy task, or a really hard task... but please try and take the steps slowly with detail... remember, a picture tells a 1000 words. So make sure you include lots of pictures to help aid people follow your instructions.
DisclaimerThis section will be made and completed from members of, Its Staff and Members will not be held responsible for any instructions that prove to be harmful to your car in any way. If you read a post and try to re-create the steps you shall be doing this entirely under your own consent.
Forum Staff Team