Welcome to the site all.
I hope you will find it useful and the members helpful.
For 6 months access is £5 and 12 months is £8. This is a bargain and the information/discounts on the boards will quickly account for the membership fee. You will have access to post in ALL sections and also have priviledge to see the Members Area including, "Technical", "How To Guides", "Members Chat", & a "Top Tips" section which has many cost saving and prevention detailed posts.

Become a member quickly and easily by following the very easy step below:

Go to "My Stuff" > "Subscriptions" > Select Appropriate Membership

Alternately if you have a problem with the above then click the below icon and proceed with payment. This option will need moderator/admin activation

If your account is not activated within 24 hours please send a message both to Scotty and ChrisCumbria and one of us will activate your account as soon as possible.

Thanks for your support,

The Team

Edited by Scotty (20/12/13 10:03 AM)