I don't know how things are shaping up in this forum with regards to new members joining(donating) but I think what made most people join before is the readily available information/help that they received then they eventually found it so good that they donated. People will tend to sign up at the first problem they encounter and if they get a free trial and the problem is solved, then they will come back and possibly donate to become a member. Others may be reluctant to sign up just to give it a shot? Might be wrong but just a suggestion?
problem is that people cannot post so if they have a specific problem which is not addressed in any thread or difficult to find by search, then they will tend to ask (which they sometimes do on the noob section). That's what has drivin my idea. Dunno ... opinion ... =)
The membership is going fine. About the same people talking on the boards as when were wasn't membership, so not a problem there.
You can view the whole board without even signing up with a log in name. If you then sign up. You can create a post in the n00bs section. This is where most people as there "first" question or just say hi.
Then after this they either get their info and leave or if they like the site stick around and donate.
It is all working fine at current. This is definably something that will be used on ST-RS.co.uk though.