OK then. LAST CALL..
Responses I have are:
Me (of course) + 1.
Swiss Nick (kinda sound like a gangster or someone out of Lock Stock lol)
Alex + 1
6 chaps / ladies (assorted) who own RS200's

That's 14 of us so should be a great weekend. Small problem MIGHT be numbers, as the guy at Rallytravel said there were only 11 spaces on the AM tour and 9 on the PM tour - so whether we are happy to split up on the day?? PLEASE LET ME HAVE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS.
Cost is £35.00 each. This is going to be £490.00..... not being tight or anything and I do trust people, but it's a hell of a lot of money and it needs to be paid up front... So we can do one of two ways:
a.) You pay me (somehow - erm bank transfer would be preferred)
b.) I 'book' it with M-Sport and tell them that everyone will call them up same day and pay over the dog and bone.
What do people prefer?
Re travelling up, I'll of course get Nick from Gatwick on the way, am planning on stopping over in Birmingham to break the journey up then Fri night and Sat night at hotel nearish to M-Sport (well as close as is do-able) then another stop in Birmingham en route back. What are other people thinking?
Cos Im not really online too regularly now, can everyone email me to confirm their agreement with splitting up AM / PM tours and re payment etc.
DO NOT EMAIL ME SPAM, my work's server will block it, but don't be a muppett please

E-mail Removed Please Contract FiestaRS via PMSCOTTY / MODS - when this is all sorted and I've posted to confirm all is arranged, can someone please DELETE this message so as my email address isn't forever on here.

Cheers chaps (and ladies).