This weekend a few of the site members met up to go for a tour around M-Sport (where the

WRC is developed and ran). I hope to give you an insight into what we all did from Friday Morning until Sunday Evening.
I must warn you first to make sure you have a good 15-20minutes to be able to sit down and have a good look through the pictures, if you don't then don't keep viewing this thread until you have the time.
It all started off on Friday morning when Gareth set out at 7am from London and arrived at mine at 8:45am. We then set off to J14 where Chris Sussex and Sheriden (If Name Spelt Wrong Please Tell Me) was waiting for us.
We then set off up the M6 for Cumbria, we got held up through Manchester for quite a while and was moving at about 15mph for miles on end. Eventually the traffic cleared and we was able to get a good run. This is where the pictures start.
FridayDriving On The A66 into Cumbria

First Good View Of The Gorgeous Scenery

Some Great Twisty Roads

Erm... Yup it was that road miles back!!! Good Job Gareth Had Sat Nav

Driving Around A Lake

Some Nice Towns ~ So Much For Peace And Quiet With My Exhaust.

Now That's What They Have Been Waiting For!!!

Arrived At WhiteHaven Premier Travel Inn

Then Chris Cumbria Arrives With This Showroom Polished Car

Once everyone has relaxed a little and settled down in the hotel we all then took a trip down to the sea front and had a walk around the harbour. It was a really nice day. We were really lucky with the weather. Here are a few shots of the town that we were stopping in.
This is what we called "The Giant Lampost", at night it changes colour. When we went back at night to get some pics of it; it wasn't on

Its Called The Crows Nest

Heres a few pictures from the harbour and lighthouses.

Heres one of Sheriden - Chris Sussex - Gareth and Chris Cumbria

Well there is a story behind this picture. We all walked from the harbour up the sea front a bit and found this car park at the top. On the way up there was a really old lady in a metro (old shape) in the middle of the road revving the nuts out of this car but not going anywhere. We were all waiting for her to do a Racing start and start battering it around the lanes. We reached the top and then yet another old person but this time an old man sitting in his lupo... he was in the coach space and also facing away from the sea, looking at a steep grass verge... with one hand missing, if anyone knows Chris Sussex you know where this one headed!!! I had to get some pics!!!

After this we asked Chris C if he knew of any good roads for us to go on so we all then followed him to some brilliant roads.

... inwhich I got stuck in the town by a stupid women and these lot belted it off down the really great lanes. They came back for me eventually lol.

Then Mr Plod pulled out in front of me and parted me from the rest of the group...

We then stopped at a shopping place just to relax and work out the next call of duty.

After this we headed back to the Hotel then went to the pub next to it and 3 of the people attending (no named mentioned) were a little worse for ware.
I then drove to Chris C's house and washed my car at midnight ready for the next day before getting some well needed kip!!!
SaturdayWe all met up at the hotel at 8:30am and headed off for M-sport to make sure we were there early. Unfortunatley to all our dissapointment we was not allowed to take any pictures inside M-Sport due to the secrecy of the Focus WRC Cars which we were able to see from a short distance.
I'm sure some more of the details of the M-sport day will be posted through this thread but the facilities were amazing and the whole set up was just spot on.
M-sport is situated at a Mannor House which was then made into a hospital and the green buildings that you will spot on some of the pictures were then added, they are now not in use but still on the grounds. The Hall itself is still intact but the development center is then built on to the back of the hall. This is all high tech and modern as you can expect.

Nick Heaven ~ This is where he's going to be in afterlife!!!

Parked Up Outside M-Sport's Reception

This Delta was amazing!!! Very Rare being Right Hand Drive!!!

Who can argue that this

looks absolutlely amazing!!! Silver is my favourite for this car!!!

As i've previously said, M-sport didn't allow any cameras to be taken into the center so I had to come back at the end of the tour, grab my camera and go into the museum and get some shots for you all the see.
Escort Rally Car

The next car is a Escort 1700 which is the only one left in existance as out of the total of 5 that were made the the road, the other 4 had to be stripped to feed the rally car. I really liked the look of this car, had a certain mean streak about it.

Gareth loved this Cortina, it did look very nice!!!

The collection wouldn't be complete without one!

Here's a couple of shots of the walls. They were totally covered in memerobilia. Really set out well.

During the tour we went around the new part of the house where the facilities for the car development are and then through this part into the main hall. I got this picture through the window. This Escort was the Car with a European Driver to win the South African Rally.

During the tour Sheriden wasn't very well so Chris took her home straight after it had finished but Chris C and Gareth stuck around so I could take the photoshoot I wanted to take.
Shoot One - M-Sport Hall

We then left M-sport and headed back to Whitehaven harbour. We parked up in a carpark and this was infront of me


Oh... when I pulled back up at the Hotel i looked at my car and found the go fast teradactol poo on my roof, I soon got my cleaning kit out and got rid of that mess!!!
SundayWe had another early(ish) start. We all met up at the hotel at 9:30 in the morning and then head off to the town just up the coast from Whitehaven to meet Amanda (Fordie) and her partner.

Shoot Two - Coast

After I took the pictures we then decided to make use of the day as best as possible and had a drive into the mountains. On the way we stopped in a town and had dinner. After Gareth had filled his face and Chris S was content with making us starve whilst he decided what to order off the menu (oh and I eventually finish my meal - I'm sure everyone will fill you in on the story behind this) we head off for the mountains. Some parts were so tight, or such a sheer drop that it was impossible to stop and take shots but I hope this gives you an idea on the amazing scenery we had whilst driving.

We had to stop here as Gareth wanted an icecream

Well there you have it... 62 pictures that give you an overview of what we did whilst we were in Cumbria. What you don't see is the fun, enjoyment, jokes and great time people had there. I cannot talk for everyone but I know I really enjoyed the whole time I was there and was sad to leave everyone...
So myself, Chris S and Gareth met back up on BroadStreet in Birmingham (the heart of nightlife in Brum) and had a drink in a bar before I set back off home and they stopped the night.
I would like to Thank
Chris S & Sheriden for organising the M-sport and making the weekend possible and being a constant source of entertainment.
Chris C for giving me somewhere to stay, without him letting me stay I would not have been able to afford to come.
Gareth for turning up on my doorstep whilst I was packing my car and being a really great guy, top ginger man!!!
Amanda & her partner for coming along on the Sunday. I know you didn't have much time to get to know us and we wasn't around for too long but thank you very much for coming along and I hope you enjoyed your time with us. Your a great girl!
Lastly Phil for coming along to M-Sport, it's a real shame you didn't stick around with us and we didn't get much chance to chat but the time we did have you was a cool bloke

I would like to dedicated this thread to Nick who couldn't make it. I promised you I would take loads of pictures and show you as much as possible of what we did and I hope you have enjoyed reading this thread.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading it and have a better idea of what were all about and how we do things. I really hope to see more of you at the Summer Event down in Cornwall. We will have a great time there!!!
Comments are more then welcome.
Kind Regards,
(Site Admin and Photographer)