I've been thinking about how I can make my ST stand out a bit from all the other PB ST's out there.
I've thought about a wrap on the roof, but it wouldn't be so obvious. So I started thinking about stripes, and what colour I could have. The trouble is blue is difficult to find something that doesn't look vile.
If there's any photoshop experts will to play with stripes for me (I'll have a go myself when I get home, but I'm not that good at colour changes) I would be grateful. Looking at the standard width and positioning of the stripes.
I've been thinking of grey (to go with my alloys), yellow (but that is the domain of Mountune, which mine isn't) a different shade of blue, or red with a white pinstripe either side (10mm white : 100mm red : 10mm white).
If I went for red and white, I'd potentially use some plastidip to spray my alloys red.
S'cuse the train of thought ideas...