Well the day finally arrived, Ford fair at Silverstone. Originally I was going to meet up with DAVE T ST and convoy together to Silverstone but unfortunately the night before he told me family issues meant that he could'nt go. So, my wife and daughter came with me.
After a fine drive there with no traffic we arrived. Well! it's my first time to Silverstone, it's massive, and somewhere amongst these thousands of people i'm supposed to find Micky (so long as he did'nt have a flat battery and not get there

After a few phone calls we met up and he introduced us to Ben (ST06 BEN) and his girlfriend

, so off we went to get a few pics of what was there.
So, here are just a few

Wow! i would'nt want to get out of this in my garage.

I thought Scott would be interested in this music system so he could blast out the Spice Girls like he did in Cornwall


This ones for you DAVE T ST


Like the look of this?

Well how about his neighbour

Then Kelly, Bens girlfriend liked the look of this.

Especially what she found in the boot

Someone should show this to the owner of a similar car pictured on an earlier thread, if your gonna Chav it, then do it propa


This paintwork looked expensively nice


Could not help getting in a couple for Nick

Looked like Me, Chris and Cassie in Cornwall, remember, on those private roads


And this looked like Chris heading off the motorway to get some petrol on the way to Cornwall


And what nearly happened to me and Micky following

Nah, 1 grille badge yes, but...

I loved the bonnet grille on this

. Micky said he thought he knew who owned it.

If your looking for a second hand car, and someone says you must look for a clean engine, this is what your looking for!


Those doors again. After openning and closing them for ourselves, we all agreed how wobbley and flimsey they were


This Funny/Street car was seriously fast doing the 0-60 test strip!

My favourite. This guy gave us a spin out display after his 0-60


Some more speakers for Scott and the Spice Girls


I did'nt realise how heavy a Capri bonnet is


The STOC cars.

And finally.....Towards the end of the day, i wish he was towing this to my house.

(MK II Escorts are my fav)

Well, i hope you all enjoyed the pics and i'm sure there are going to be more up of the day off Micky and Ben and a few more who were there that we did'nt get to meet.