I'm still not sold on the regions idea, the club isn't big enough to warrant it. A prefix to the thread title in the Meets section would be more than sufficient. (take a look at what ZSOC do on their For Sale sections).
Case in point - the Brands Hatch Summer Wednesdays post in the SE region. Plenty of replies to it saying "shame its miles away" or "if I was local". Aren't these the sorts of posts that are supposed to not happen in regional forums? It's exactly the same replies as it would be if it were in the general meets and events section, except you have to scroll miles further down the forum to get to it.
My personal view would be to get rid of the regions altogether and just put prefixes on the meet titles in the meet section - for example:

That way, you can see at a glance the events for a particular region (colour code the prefixes per region?).
If I live in London and want to see what events are in my area of travel I have to look in South East and East forums - in which events will be duplicated anyway, but then things like Trax or Ford Fair (big shows people travel to) would be in the East and West Midlands region, so I'd have to check there too to get the details of those shows.
Add this to the fact that people will be posting events in the meets/events forum itself you've got three places to look in to get an idea of whats going on that you might want to go to.
Take the guys who came to BHP yesterday. Quite a number came from 'oop north' (as evidenced by funny accents) but the show was a regional show. Why should we make members check 8 different regional forums for ideas about which events to do?
I appreciate wanting to move the site forward etc but regional segregation is absolutely not the correct way to go about it. Am I in the minority here?