The Saturday before Ford Fair soon came around! I did organize a small BBQ due to the fact the Midlands Meet was cancelled with Jacks accident.
The weather started off pretty bad. Rain for much of the morning. Early afternoon Chris arrived and then closely followed by Jack & Family.
I whacked the BBQ on:
We then got busy cleaning the cars whilst the BBQ was going:
I caused a bit of traffic in my road
After a really enjoyable night and Maiya having a really good time with Alfie we closed shop for the night and went to bed.
Before 5am we all rose. Poor Maiya was all snuggly
We went straight to Mac'D for a breakfast - loving the two Mk1 together
We then met at Coleshill with Jack, Patrick & Sarah, Ben and his partner. Kev unfortunately did not make it... mainly because we was still in bed and I woke him up calling lol.
After heading to Cherwell Valley Services and meeting up with some new faces (nice to meet you new guys). We headed off to Silverstone.
We found our stand to be right next to the Ford Europe stand with the brand new Mustang 5.0L on display. It was in the best possible position, which in turn attracted loads of interest in our cars and make it easily accessible for everyone wanting to get around any part of the circuit. Thanks very much to Chris for organising so quickly.
Here are some pics of the show:
Firstly Our stand
Da Boyz! Plumber, Electrician and Hair Stylist!
Now for the Show!
Maiya posing witht he brand new Mustang!
Kenny and Pat simply cannot go to a show without buying something!
Cheers Luke - looking good, if not slightly ironic!
Before we left we had a little raffle for some prizes. I hope everyone happy with their choice of prize
After the long, hot and enjoyable day inside the circuit we left just after 5pm to the Sixfields Hungry Horse in Northampton. A table booked for, god knows how many (thanks very much to Steph & Lee for sorting this).
A few red people
I really enjoyed the day and it's now sad that it's all over for another year. The only positive is that TRAX is in 4 weeks time! Will be great to catch up with everyone again.
A quick trip to Mac'Ds to get Maiya ready for bed and a cheeky Mcflurry.
Back at my house unloading the 's
I have to say my favorite cars of the show have to be:
dontpannic: Horrible news about Stevie, had a bad feeling about it when I saw his hospital selfie on FB
dontpannic: While I'm here (it's been a while), looks like my account is FUBAR... can't post anywhere, can't view user profiles etc, any chance someone can restore my access at all?
Tford: Anyone know how to sort out front bumper sag on Mk7 st
kenny: There is a few YouTube vids which should show you how to lift the bumper back up
Brabbit79: Done my 1st track day today in my 2006 St150, ii was topping oil up 500ml ever 10 laps give and take. No leaks or blue smoke. Anyone else had this.
_Jimmy_: @Brabbit79 it's probably oil passing the piston rings at high revs, used to happen with mine too but normal driving it wouldn't use much oil at all
kenny: seems there is a data base error on the forum
Scotty: @Kenny - Can you see the topic threads again now please?