It's in the How To forum, but here you go:
Here are the tools you're going to need.
Socket set / spanners (8mm, 10mm, 13mm, 21mm)
Oil cooler gasket
Oil filter
New starter motor
1. Get the car in the air (ramps, or jacks and axle stands).
2. Disconnect the battery
3. Remove the wiring plug and 4x 8mm bolts holding on the throttle body, and remove the throttle body.
4. Underneath the car, drain the oil (13mm sump plug) and remove the oil filter.
5. Remove the wiring plug to the oil pressure sensor
6. Remove the oil pressure sensor (21mm deep socket)
7. Remove the 4x 10mm bolts holding the oil cooler / oil filter housing to the engine block. Be careful not to lose the gasket as they separate.
8. Remove the wiring from the starter motor using a 13mm and a 10mm socket.
9. Remove the 10mm galvanised nut from the starter motor holding on a galvanised wiring bracket
10. On top of the car, look to the left underneath the intake manifold and remove the counterpart 10mm galvanised nut.
11. Move the galvanised bracket out of the way, then use a deep 13mm socket to remove the nut (which is actually a bolt) holding the starter to the block.
12. Back underneath the car, remove the counterpart deep 13mm nut (which is actually a bolt), and the 13mm bolt at the rear of the starter motor.
13. Wiggle the starter motor free.
14. Replace the new starter motor. Put back in the two 13mm bolts with thread-rod (one on top, one on bottom), and the regular 13mm bolt.
15. Replace the galvanised wiring bracket and secure with the two 10mm galvanised nuts.
16. Replace the wiring harness on the back of the starter motor and secure with the 13mm and 10mm bolts (one for battery live, one for solenoid)
17. Clean the mating surfaces of the oil cooler and the engine block, and replace the gasket (I had to reuse mine, so made sure it was thoroughly clean).
18. Replace the oil cooler with gasket onto the engine block and secure with 10mm bolts.
19. Replace the oil pressure sensor and reconnect
20. Replace oil filter (run a small amount of oil around the rubber seal to ensure a good seal)
21. Ensure the sump plug is put back in!
22. Replace the throttle body, secure with 8mm bolts, and reconnect the wiring harness.
23. Refill engine oil - ~4.5L
24. Reconnect battery
All in all it took me about an hour, maybe an hour and a half