funny thing is i remember back in 1991 (i think or 1990)i bought a new h reg
xr2i (black)but before i bought it i test drove the rs turbo (fiesta)fantastic
car,thing was though at that time
were doing 12 months free insurance
on the xr2i (but not the rs turbo for obvious reasons) for anyone over 21
i took up the offer on the free insurance for 1 year.saying that i wish now
i should of got the rs turbo instead.
p.s. do any of you guys (in your 40s)remember the advert on the big hoadings
for the fiesta xr2 and rs turbo i think it got banned because it promoted
allegedly boy racers,the advert read,"fiesta xr2i madras rs turbo vindaloo". the good old days of the late 80s and early 90s.