Me, my wife(Julie) and Daughter (Sarah)'s weekend started with the alarm going off at the unearthly time of 4.30am on Friday morning so that i could start off at 6.30am with a carefully '
planned' idea of Scott & Co catching up with us on the M Way.
You see, Julie had never driven on the M Way before and was too nervous to convoy, so me and Scott arranged that after i left i would call him and he would leave half an hour after and catch us up, that way, Julie would have to convoy.

After joining the M1 a phone call from Scott saying to slow down so they could catch up, i tucked in behind a truck doing 55mph, Julie tootling behind quite happily, when all of a sudden,BANG!BANG!BANG! as Scott,Matt and Micky shot, and i mean shot past on the fast lane, it took them all about a mile to slow down to our speed. That sight of them going past was bloody awsome and will stay with me forever!!

We were now in convoy and heading to meet Tony & Dave, Craig & Claire at Woodall Services. Write up with pics from now on.....
After meeting up at the services we all agreed to get some breakfast.It was at this point Micky said to me in total honesty in the queue,"I hope Scott has brought his jump starter, i've left my in-car fridge on and might have a flat battery,"
To this i was in hysterical laughter!!! (has anyone got a jump starter)!

So, after sorting out the walkie-talkies, (an excellent idea off Stuart from last years Summer event),Off we went in convoy.
We soon hit traffic and deided to pull up and recalculate the route.

After the maps came out and the sat navs were sorted, we were off again. We came upon this place, i know loads of pics have been posted but does'nt it look lovely!

Anyway, off we went. Again hitting traffic in the middle of knowhere.So imagine this to yourselves...
Over the radio came,"How far have we got to go Kev?"(because i had Sat Nav) From Tony.
"35 Miles Tony."
More traffic ahead! Again, "are we there yet" from Tony.
Off we go again for a couple of miles before more traffic.
"How far now Kev?" "27 miles, mate" "7 Miles!

" "no, 27 Miles!!"
Anyway, we all got there eventually and set up camp smack bang in the middle of everyone.(Thanks Micky for helping with my tent, very much appreciated!)

We then went off on Saturday for some photo shoots...

So off we went the next day for some more pics on the moores, KEEP TO THE ROAD, KEEP OFF THE MOORES!!!