Its a much mooted point on any forum, whether panel filters or induction kits by themselves are worth it. If you're looking for a noticeable performance increase then you'll be disappointed. I had both a K&N panel and a K&N 57i (not together of course!) on my old 206 and with neither did I feel I was going any quicker. The 57i (a cone filter kit) made a lot of noise and not much else, and the panel filter gave a slightly better than standard induction noise above 4,000rpm. As Phyzzo points out, if you go for an open cone filter, you need to make sure its properly shielded from the heat in the engine bay, otherwise you'll lose bhp.
And yes, you will need to inform your insurance company about either, as they are considered to be performancing-enhancing modifications, even though they don't really enhance performance (read the small print of your policy very carefully).
Combined with more extensive tuning though, such as replacement manifolds and exhaust systems, a properly placed and shielded induction kit will add to the overall bhp increase.