Hey All,
Just want to say a big thank you to Scott and Chris for sorting this I know allot of hard work went in to getting the banner sorted and arranging everything. They both did a very professional job our stand looked very good!.
Another huge thank you to Bex (Pixar) for letting us stay for the weekend in her beautiful home

! I hope you managed to find all those sweets after the food fight we had

Finally thanks to everyone who turned up for the event both on the Saturday and who I met on the Sunday allot of new faces and plenty of old ones. The rain put a bit of a damper on it but it was nice to see everyone even if it was only briefly. I am looking forward to Newquay this year were hopefully i'll be able to spend more time with everyone!.
It was certianly an eventfull weekend, plenty of convoy action for us who stayed over, Chris locking his keys in the boot... DOH lol!, and some of us went ice skating which was good fun even if I did hurt my foot!.
Here are a few of my favourite pics from the weekend in no particular order!.
Some pics from Ice Skating..
Like something out of the Exorcist! (Craig)

"How You Doinnnn!" (bex,PIXAR)

Someone got a pic of me ice skating... who was that ?? (Im the one who looks like he is about to fall over, Not that it helps!)

Chris dreaming of sunny weather, an open road and his ST.... or hes wondering how he managed to lock his keys in the boot

Nice Stripes Kev!


Liking the stripes... you tempted Matt ???

Looking good!

<Shakes Head>

<shakes head again>


I like it!

Am in love!!!!!!

Nice Rally Slag

Me caught on camera!

One for Kev!

Chris driving with me and Scott in to Birmingham!

one of Scotts pics but wow!

The AA man working his magic on chris car... Abra Kadabra!

He is getting his stick out to beat Chris over the head with it

Fabrix wiping his nose on chris's car when he was not looking!