Hi All,
We had a bit of a get together this weekend for a few of us. This involved a BBQ, Nightout in Birmingham, Pub Meal and Bowling!

I had a great time nice to see everyone again! here are a few pics and vids from the weekend.
Been here 5 minutes and already I have jobs to do lol... Fitted Lisa's windows stickers.

Scott cleaning lisa's car... something is wrong here lol (She was off shopping...)

After cleaning the cars we heading round to bex's and after speaning 2 hours building up the gas BBQ we managed to get the food going on it!.

Chris waiting to be fed

Getting there

Chris looking happier now he has food in his hand


And Bex! thank you so much for letting us stay!

Matt just sitting back letting me cook for him...

"Please sir can I have some more"

"How does this work again..."

Scott fixing Bex's sun glasses after i sat on them... Sorry bex lol

Patrick (Fabrix)

Fabrix's Low Rider lol
(All the lasses sat in the back... typical


Spotted this on a dealers forecoat for sale... whats in the window..

I accidently took a photo of this pretty lass... Honest

Me... With some silly hat on lol

Patrick with another silly hat on

Just incase there photo doesn't come out I took one for Birmingham Saftey Camera Partenership

Photo shoot!

Spot the hat

Matt's Car!

Lisa's ST
VIDEOSuploading check back in an hour!