Hi all, i thought i'd start this thread off, of our meet up at Chester Zoo.(It's quite long, so get a drink while it loads).
First of all, may i say what a brilliant day me, my wife and daughter had with such a great bunch of people from the site.

We started off meeting up with Chris Cumbria, Matt, Becky & Jack, Vicky, at Scotts house where i met his Mom, Jackie and gf Sarah.
We soon headed off to meet up with Patrick, gf Sarah and his cousin, along with Lisa, Craig & Claire at some services off the motorway.

Well, after sailing past the services we ended up in the lorry park at some services further on,

. We soon contacted the others via mobiles and they were all soon with us.

Then off we went following Patrick and arriving at the Zoo soon after where we decided to have something to eat before we went in.This was well timed as just as we were ready to go the heavens openned up and we all made a dash for cover and for me to find some Ponchos.

The rain soon passed and we went in.
So, onto some pics for our animal lovers of the site.

First up were the Elephants, with this little fella being bullied a little

But he soon got away and made a run for his Mom.

Then came the Vultures, have a look at the second pick at how he's giving me the evil eye.

This little critter basking some sunshine after the downpour

Everyone loves the Giraffes.....

The next guy sure had some balls.....i mean, to venture out after such heavy thunder and lightening.

I then had to go and see the Jaguars, not because i work for the Jag but because they are such an endangered animal

and yet so beautiful.

Then to the Flamingos...

From here we went to see the Sealions and Penguins....One little Penguin was not in the 'click' i recon,

Well,the zoo is massive and ater walking so many miles and all feeling a bit tired we decided to jump onto the Monorail to complete it.
First of all, mind your head on entry...Patrick!

, such a character, top man.

On the journey, i could'nt help but take this pic, what's he thinking,
'Hey girls, look what i've got.'

Well that was about it, we had been there over 6 hours and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. It was now time to leave, just in time aswell as the rain came back with a vengence just as we got back to the cars.
Hope to see some of the other pics that were taken from those that went