X-mas Event 2008...
SaturdayThis was finally the day that the X-mas Event started... Around 12 o'clock Chris turned up exactly at the time he said he would. It had been raining all morning and very glum but the clouds lightened up and it was very lightly drizzling, so it was time to get all the cleaning stuff out and get the cars ready for the meet.
There was a slight problem though... we went to plug the pressure washer in and the two main pins has been bent back when put away. I tried to bend them back but as i got them straight one of the pins just snapped off... so that was a whole lot of good! After finding a replacement plug, cutting the wire off and Radioative Chris fitting the wiring in the plug... we were underway and the cleaning process had started.
After Chris'

, my silver focus, bex's fiesta, the lexus and my

and Adam turning up just as we were packing up and cleaning his

too it was time to go out and get some much needed food. We went to the pub and get some nice meals and to top them off with some Mega Sunday thingies.
Throughout the evening Adam had been progressively getting more ill and as we got outside he looked like he was going to just give out.
We all retuned home to get sorted ready to go out in the evening. Unfortunatley Adam was really bad so couldn't return back that night. Instead of going clubbing we decided to go to the cinema. We went to watch the 11pm showing of the new film with Leonado Decaprio... Body of Lies. That was really good...deffo worth going to watch!!!
After this we all returned to our homes and hotels and had a good nights sleep... well I know I did
SundayAt 9:30am exactly Chris turns up... i'm rushing around trying to have a shave, shower and get dressed... which turns out to be a nightmare as i end up cutting the inside of my nose with the flipping razor which then leaves a trail of distruction on my travels.
At around 10.00am Stuart turns up and I finally am ready. After getting everything together and sorting the cars out it is 11am and time to head over to the car park.
On the way I picked Jack up as I promised him he could come in my car.
We turned up on the carpark where Adam, Ray & Kevin were waiting patiently for us.
Finally we got to see Stuarts new car. Here he is showing off is Xenon light washers.

And also a suprise to all... my new car

A couple of group shots before we set off... Bex turned up just after so unfortunatley her car isn't included in a couple of these shots

At around 11:55 we set off for the Golf Club to meet up with Dave and Gail who were waiting for our arrival.

On the way in the fountain was full of HUGE carp.

At the Meal we had two seperate tables due to the restaurant not having enough room to put a long table together due to other large groups being there at the same time.

Here is Stu showing us the amazing Chocolates that me and Chris chipped in for... all designs will follow:

Here are all the designs available and given out at random.

I thought this was a rabbit at first lol... it does look like it doesn't it? (agree with me)

I later found out that the Santa one had 125g in apposed to 100g as the others did... I did myself out of 25g of yummy chocolate... damn it!!!

Here is one of the starters available... let me tell you that this was GORGEOUS!!!

Some pics of people

Ofcourse the pudding had to have shots taken... these were amazing!!!


Of course there had to be the yearly photo outside by the lake

After this we went to have a photoshoot of the cars. Dave and Gail went off quickly to visit a friend in Coventry before the snowdome and sadly Stuart had to leave us before we could set up the shoot with his car in... it's a shame really as his Cooper S would have finished it off.

After the photoshoot down at Kenilworth Castle we then made our way up to Tamworth Snowdome. On route Dave phoned to say the car park was not accessable and we will have to park over the road at the bowling alley and go across the bridge...
He really wasn't joking...

Once we got into onto the snow we started to really enojoy ourselves

Our session finished and we all got off the snow and started to dry off in the bar... except two people were missing... Dave and Gail... little did we know they had managed to sneek through the end of session check and stayed on for another session... eventually they got off and came to the bar... There is no question that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves!!!
I must say though the highlight of the experience (apart from me trying to handbreak turn the taboggon and falling out every time) was Sarah coming around the fast top corner and losing control and launching out of her taboggon, flipping a few times... it was for deffinate the best crash of the day

After having a hot drink in the bar we headed off to bowling but not before walking past Dave's car and noticing he has been parked in a disabled spot and there was a police car behind him

To clear things up, the marshalls of the carpark sent him there due to the flooding so if anyone is politically correct, you can stop panacing now

Only 3 cars now remain... I changed my car's if you wonder where my

has gone.

Remember this Machine... it will be used lol...

These two blokes decided to bowl in an unusual way

Heres wayne showing us all how to celebrate

I think you will all be able to share the feelings of the next two photos:

Don't worry though as he is a wizz on the air hocky machine

Remember this machine... well as usual Bex couldn't resist. This time, very rarely she walked away without a teddy.

I've got to thank Kevin for uploading his photo's and allowing me to use them amongst mine in this write up