Well, just thought I should add a post to this thread today. Today is exactly one year since we were in Bourton and had such a great time there, not just with the photos that were taken and can be seen in this thread, but also with everything else that went on that day(and weekend) as well.
I've been re-reading this and the other two threads about last year now, and it has been really enjoyable reading them again. I think it is good having threads like these put up (and ditto of course the ones about things that have happenned this year), as it does help remind you of great things that have gone on.
Whilst a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, and in some ways Bourton seems an awful long time ago now, in a strange way it seems no time at all ago, and I'm thinking "Jesus Christ! That was a year ago??!". I think in the end most people really enjoyed it, and was great to see yous again this year, even if in some cases only for a short time.
Sorry if this post maybe seems a bit more philosophical than you've all come to expect from me, but I do have a serious side as well as a fun side, and felt I had to mark this landmark in some way, just by getting some of my thoughts written down.
Take care
