I'm sure we've had this one before but I could do with some advice on repairing an annoying scrape I have on my car
This is very annoying because it's something that someone else managed to do for me, and am trying to sell the car on. Hence, i'm not best pleased to say the least
It actually looks like a stone-chip/scrape, about 5mm˛ on the passenger door. The bad news is that I think it's gone through the lacquer so I'm not convinced it will simply polish out.
Haven't tried polishing it yet, but will in the next couple of days when I'm not working nights
Don't really know what to try next before calling anyone out - any of you have any suggestions? I've never used T-Cut or anything like that, and don't plan on making this my first time
I'll try and get a picture of it, although my skills with the camera aren't quite as good as Scotty's..........
Any ideas would be much appreciated!