Site Christmas Weekend Meet – 16th/17th December 2006
On Saturday I was woken up at 10:30am by a “Vrummmmm” “pop” “burble, burble”. With my eyes half shut still I looked out the window and seeing a red and white burry blob outside the house through glazed tired eyes. I then looked at the time and thought; oh dear I’m not even dressed yet. I was expecting Chris around 12-1pm along with Stuart so I was trying to get as much sleep as possible as I have not had much rest for a few weeks now so thought it would be a nice change to sleep in a little longer before the long weekend started! Obviously not lol.
I get myself up, have a shower and then get to work on sorting things out for the day. Chris decides to get started on cleaning his car after the 5 hour drive down in the morning. A short amount of time later Stuart pulls up in his Leon. Since the sun was out and the weather was really nice, if a little bit “FREEZING”… Stuart also decided to give his car a wash, since it hadn’t been washed for about 4 months lol.
I also join them outside and wash my car before Kevin, Julie and Sarah arrive just after 4pm. We had a drink and relaxed in the house for a while and then my sister arrived with Jack so we were all ready to head off to get something to eat.
Before we left we all decided we would get something quick and easy since on Sunday we were going for a meal… so Stuart came up with the idea of going to Kevs favorite place… KFC

(Add pictures of Kev in KFC from mobile phone)
After we had all had a KFC and done some more talking we all headed to Star City Mega Bowl. I had already booked 2 lanes for 2 games so there was no problem getting in and started.
Unfortunately I didn’t take my camera with me to Star City so didn’t get any photos but I know Kev has. I did take my video camera and recorded most of the night so I will edit a video of the bowling for the CD.
The night went really well… the trouble was it was very busy and all the balls that were sized for us were in use so for the first game we had to use some oversized balls so the scores we’re a little mad, I don’t think I did very well that game.
My sister on the other hand was doing really well and ended up with well over 115 so she was making sure everyone knew lol. I think even Jack and Sarah beat me.
A little way into the second game I went and found some good balls for us and managed to get much better scores. Unlucky for me I had Stuart bowling on my lane and he was some sort of bowling professional, the balls seemed to just go exactly where he wanted. I think it’s probably something to do with him not wanting to lose, especially to a girl (my sister). He beat everyone in the second game. I did put a fair battle up though lol coming second.
After the bowling me and my sister then went on the dance machine and got C’s then B’s then decided to go for something a little harder and ended up both agreeing that we both looked like fools as the one we picked was a little too hard.
After this we all called it a day and Me, Becky, Jack, Stuart and ChrisC left Kev and his family as we went back home.
When I got back I took Stuart and Chris out to the social club and we had a game of snooker which was nice and relaxing before heading off to bed.
At 8am Stuart, Chris, my Dad and myself all woke up and got showered and ready for everyone to come around. At bang on 9am Kevin, Julie and Sarah turned up and the coffee was sorted

Then a short time after that my Sister and Jack turned up. After getting a few things sorted we ended up running a little late and started out at around 9:45am. I text ahead and let people know we was running a little behind time.
The roads were a little slippy so we had to take it nice and easy but we turned up around 10:25 and Cassie & family, Micky, Matt & partner and Tony and friend
We all had chance to meet each other before a parking warden walked around. Instead of giving him a field day we all headed off to the nearest park. We got to the park and every spot was taken up so there was no chance of parking there. We then carried on and headed out of Stratford Upon Avon south. After spotting a sign to “Did… Park” I followed that and then just how the day seemed to be going, from bad to worse… it did exactly that and took us to a Caravan Park… LOL…
Shortly after I pulled into a quiet road off the main road and tried to sort out where we could head to. Kevin and Cassie managed to get talking to a local man which told us to drive to Bideford On Avon and my dad knew of a nice place to park.

We then all drove in convoy once again to Bideford.

For once that day things started to go well as we arrived and the carpark was empty and we managed to get a brilliant setting in which to get some photos of our cars.

A nice visitor then passed us on his search of presents!!!

The sticky pads on my number plate had lost their sticky and it was lop sided so I took it off and before sticking new pads on I took a photo. I think it looks pretty good without the yellow number plate, just like new.

Vicky from the STOC then turned up and parked up with everyone else so I had to get another picture.

After offloading her

Focus Alloys onto Matt and showing us her exhaust pipe we all set off back to Warwick to the Porridge Pot Pub minus Cassie who shot off home.

When we arrived at the Pub James from the STOC was already there waiting with his gleaming panther black

It was very clean, for a day that the roads we’re still a little dirty I have no idea how he managed to keep it so clean.
We got into the Pub and my sister then asked for the table for 17. The girl who was sorting the tabled nearly died, then ran off in a hissy fit, eventually coming back and saying she only has a table for 12. Being the organizers we are we conducted some nice fung shui we put 4 tables in a massive line and managed to sit everyone down!
It was quite nice as we all then got to relax and talk with each other whilst we ordered our meals and then ate them.
After the meals Santa arrived and gave all the kids in the pub presents, that was really nice of him and big thumbs up to who ever that K.. w E.. a V.. s. Thanks a lot for that I think we all enjoyed it just as much as the kids did!!!
After the meal the kids should have been going into the Wacky Warehouse but for some reason it was shut all day for one party… I think someone must have been doing a favour as I’ve never known it being shut all day. Anyway we upset the people who’s party it was as one of their party said “the kids will now be confused as they are having a Santa too” I replied with… “oh well, never mind”… To be honest it’s a little tough. They closed the Wacky and our fun.

After phoning Warwick Castle and them telling us that the ice rink was totally full everyone said their goodbyes and left back for home. A few stayed behind and then headed to Warwick Castle just to see if we could get in.
When we got there Tony and his friend decided to then head off home. To be honest it was a freezing evening.
I will leave the rest of the story and pictures for the CD

I must thank everyone to coming from so far away and turning up to the meet. It was so nice to see everyone and I hope most of you had a really nice time. I know that throughout the day things went wrong but to be honest it shows that no matter how much planning is done, things can always turn out not to plan.
I shall be getting on with editing the CD this week now I’m not in work so I hope to have it all produced and ready to sent out shortly. Please bare with me on that one… I’ve only just had chance to get this post done… I was asleep for 16 hours yesterday, had to be woken up lol.
I hope to see you all at the Yorkshire meet at Easter and New Faces too 
Take Care All and have a Very Merry Christmas!!!